Elizabeth Bowen
Elizabeth Bowen, scrittrice irlandese. La biografia, l'elenco delle opere e i riconoscimenti ottenuti durante la sua carriera. Scopri e acquista i suoi libri.
Elizabeth Bowen nacque come Elizabeth Dorothea Cole a Dublino nel 1899 e ideò il proprio nome d’arte prendendo spunto dalla casa di famiglia, Bowen’s Court, nella contea Cork.
Narratrice anglo-irlandese, la Bowen trattò in una prosa impeccabile temi come l’amore e la frustrazione amorosa analizzati in una complessa psicologia.
Elizabeth Bowen è morta a Londra nel 1973.
- Encounters (1923)
- The Hotel (1927)
- The Last September (1929)
- Friends and Relations (1931)
- To the North (1932)
- The House in Paris (1935)
- The Death of the Heart (1936)
- The Heat of the Day (1949)
- A World of Love (1955)
- The Little Girls (1964)
- The Good Tiger (1965)
- Eva Trout (1968)
- Ann Lee’s and Other Stories (1926)
- Joining Charles and Other Stories (1929)
- The Cat Jumps and Other Stories (1934)
- The Demon Lover and Other Stories (1945)
- Stories by Elizabeth Bowen (1959)
- A Day in the Dark and Other Stories (1965)
- Look At All Those Roses (1941)
- Bowen’s Court (1942)
- Seven Winters: Memories of a Dublin Childhood (1942)
- Anthony Trollope: A New Judgement (1946)
- Why Do I Write: An Exchange of Views between Elizabeth Bowen, Graham Greene and V.S. Pritchett (1948)
- Collected Impressions (1950)
- The Shelbourne: A Centre in Dublin Life for More Than A Century (1951)
- A Time in Rome (1960)
- Afterthought: Pieces About Writing (1962)
- The Mulberry Tree (1999)
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