William Trevor
William Trevor, scrittore irlandese. La biografia, l'elenco delle opere e i riconoscimenti ottenuti durante la sua carriera. Scopri e acquista i suoi libri.
è nato nella Contea di Cork nel 1928 e ha trascorso la sua infanzia in diverse cittadine dell’Irlanda provinciale. Dal 1946 studiò storia al Trinity College di Dublino e poi andò in Inghilterra, nel 1953.
Il suo primo romanzo, A standard of Behaviour, fu pubblicato nel 1958. Sei anni più tardi, The Old Boys ricevette ottime critiche e l’Hawthornden Prize.
Oggi Trevor vive a Devon. Nel 1998 he vinto il prestigioso David Cohen British Literature Prize per la carriera.
- A standard of Behaviour, 1958
- The Old Boys (1964)
- The Boarding-House (1965)
- The Love Department (1966)
- Girl (1968)
- Mrs Eckdorf in O’Neill’s Hotel (1969)
- Miss Gomez and the Brethren (1971)
- Going Home (1972)
- Night with Mrs. Da Tanka (1972)
- Last Lunch of the Season (1973)
- Elizabeth Alone (1973)
- Marriages (1974)
- The Children of Dynmouth (1976)
- Old School Ties (1976)
- Distant Past (1977)
- Other People’s Worlds (1980)
- Fools of Fortune (1983)
- Nights at the Alexandra (1987)
- The Silence in the Garden (1988)
- Two Lives: Reading Turgenev and My House in Umbria (1991)
- Reading Turgenev (1991)
- Juliet’s Story (1991)
- Felicia’s Journey (1994)
- Marrying Damian (1995)
- Death of a Professor (1997)
- Death in Summer (1998)
- Summer Visitor (1999)
- Low Sunday, 1950 (2000)
- The Story of Lucy Gault (2002)
- My House in Umbria (2003)
- Love and Summer (2009)
- The Day We Got Drunk on Cake: And Other Stories (1967)
- The Ballroom of Romance: And Other Stories (1972)
- Angels at the Ritz: And Other Stories (1975)
- Lovers of Their Time: And Other Stories (1978)
- Beyond the Pale: And Other Stories (1981)
- Ireland: Selected Stories (1984)
- The News from Ireland: And Other Stories (1986)
- Family Sins: And Other Stories (1989)
- The Collected Stories (1989)
- Outside Ireland: Selected Stories (1995)
- Cocktails at Doney’s: And Other Stories (1996)
- After Rain (1996)
- Three Early Novels (omnibus) (1997)
- The Hill Bachelors (2000)
- A Bit on the Side (2004)
- A Writer’s Ireland: Landscape in Literature (1984)
- Excursions in the Real World: Memoirs (1993)
- Personal Essays (1999)
Trevor ha scritto anche numerose sceneggiature per la radio e la televisione, alcune tratte da racconti già scritti.
Premi e riconoscimenti
- Hawthornden Prize, 1964
- Whitbread Fiction Award, 1976 e 1983
- Yorkshire Post Book of the Year Award, 1988
- Whitbread Book of the Year 1994
- Sunday Express Book of the Year 1994
- David Cohen British Literature Prize, 1998